
Will Mifepristone Be Banned in the US?

Will Mifepristone Be Banned in the US?


Kamala Harris
Kamala Harris"The Biden-Harris Administration will continue our efforts to protect access to abortion and defend the FDA in the courts."Aug 16, 2023
William Tong
William Tong"This reckless challenge has zero basis in science or the law and must be rejected."May 17, 2024
Jessica West
Jessica West"[I]t's a stretch of a legal argument" to push for withdrawing mifepristone's approval.May 04, 2023
Kelly Baden
Kelly BadenThe argument for withdrawing mifepristone's FDA approval is "a baseless case that could dramatically reduce nationwide access to mifepristone."Dec 13, 2023
Adam Unikowsky
Adam Unikowsky"In my view, the Justice Department will likely prevail [on maintaining FDA approval of mifepristone]."Aug 16, 2023
Ingrid Skop
Ingrid SkopThe FDA "ignored its own rules from the beginning to fast-track approval of the abortion pill mifepristone."May 25, 2023
Rachel O'Leary Carmona
Rachel O'Leary Carmona"The imminent threat to access to mifepristone and abortion care remains."Apr 15, 2023
Ron Wyden
Ron WydenThe Texas ruling against mifepristone's FDA Approval "has no basis in law."Apr 10, 2023
Nancy Northup
Nancy Northup"If allowed to stand, it [Kacsmaryk's ruling] would remove mifepristone from the market in states where it's legal."Apr 08, 2023
Ushma Upadhyay
Ushma Upadhyay"Mifepristone is extremely safe — it has an over 99 percent safety rating."Mar 11, 2023
Rebecca Gomperts
Rebecca Gomperts"The reality is the pills are not going to go away... Women will always get them, and we will do whatever it takes to get them to them."Mar 26, 2024
William Tong
William Tong"The consequences of this case could go as far as taking mifepristone entirely off the market nationwide."May 17, 2024
Kelly Baden
Kelly Baden"[T]he Supreme Court has only one reasonable option—honor the FDA approval of mifepristone."Dec 13, 2023
Stephen Vladeck
Stephen VladeckThe Supreme Court's refusal to hear a broader challenge "is a very good sign for access to mifepristone."Dec 13, 2023
Adam Unikowsky
Adam Unikowsky"If the subject matter of this case were anything other than abortion, the plaintiffs would have no chance of succeeding in the Supreme Court."Aug 16, 2023
Kristen Waggoner
Kristen WaggonerThe FDA "illegally expedited and approved the use of mifepristone."Apr 19, 2023
Karine Jean-Pierre
Karine Jean-PierreThe appeal on the mifepristone ruling "probably is going to go up to the Supreme Court, which we feel pretty confident that we're going to win."Apr 10, 2023
Xavier Becerra
Xavier Becerra"We will make sure that we get that appeal and that stay... we will go as far as we need to go in order to protect access to mifepristone."Apr 09, 2023
Hakeem Jeffries
Hakeem JeffriesFDA approval of mifepristone was suspended by a "rogue Judge."Apr 08, 2023
Angela Vasquez-Giroux
Angela Vasquez-Giroux"Mifepristone is incredibly safe... so there's no actual basis for taking it off the market."Mar 10, 2023

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