
Will Sweden Join NATO?

Will Sweden Join NATO?


MetaculusWill Sweden join NATO before 2024?
Peter Viggo Jakobsen
Peter Viggo Jakobsen"In the absence of a clear and present danger to their national security from Russia, membership is not a viable option for Finnish or Swedish decisionmakers."May 21, 2014
Martin Hurt
Martin Hurt"The accession of either of these two countries [Sweden or Finland] is anything but imminent."Jan 05, 2022
Devlet Bahçeli
Devlet Bahçeli"[W]e look coldly upon Sweden entering NATO."Dec 15, 2023
Katalin Cseh
Katalin CsehOrban’s blocking of Sweden and Finland's bids is "quite simply, another favor to Vladimir Putin."Mar 05, 2023
Mélanie Joly
Mélanie Joly"Our goal is to be among the first countries to be able to ratify the accession of Sweden and Finland."May 16, 2022
Viktor Mihály Orbán
Viktor Mihály Orbán"The Swedish-Hungarian military cooperation and Sweden's accession to NATO will strengthen Hungary's security."Feb 26, 2024
Recep Tayyip Erdoğan
Recep Tayyip Erdoğan"Neither of these countries [Sweden and Finland] have a clear, open attitude towards terrorist organisation. How can we trust them [with NATO membership]?"May 17, 2022
Joe Biden
Joe Biden"I'm trying to... strengthen NATO in terms of the military capacity of both Greece as well as Turkey and allow Sweden to come in."Jul 09, 2023
Ofra Bengio
Ofra BengioTurkey "might veto the entrance of Finland and Sweden into NATO."Jun 08, 2022
Carl Hvenmark Nilsson
Carl Hvenmark Nilsson"Prime Minister Löfven probably will consider membership off limits until the next election in 2018, unless Russia takes further drastic action to destabilize Europe."Oct 07, 2015
Peter Viggo Jakobsen
Peter Viggo Jakobsen"It seems rather pointless to discuss whether Finland and Sweden should join NATO since this clearly will not happen."May 21, 2014
Wilson Center
Wilson Center"[I]t is unlikely that either country [Finland or Sweden] will join NATO in the foreseeable future, barring any significant changes in the relations between the EU and Russia."Feb 02, 2024
Kurt Volker
Kurt VolkerSweden is at "the point where it is now about to join NATO."Dec 15, 2023
Recep Tayyip Erdoğan
Recep Tayyip Erdoğan"Sweden should not expect support from us for Nato."Jan 23, 2023
David Pressman
David Pressman"Sweden's accession to NATO will advance the security of the United States, the security of Hungary and the security of the alliance."Feb 26, 2024
Recep Tayyip Erdoğan
Recep Tayyip Erdoğan"Those who allow such blasphemy in front of our embassy can no longer expect our support for their NATO membership."Jan 23, 2023
Magdalena Andersson
Magdalena Andersson"Should Sweden be the only country in the Baltic Sea region that was not a member of NATO, we would be in a very vulnerable position."Jan 24, 2024
Max Bergmann
Max Bergmann"It would be a real failure for the alliance if it’s not able to get Sweden over the goal line here."Jul 08, 2023
Jens Stoltenberg
Jens Stoltenberg"Finland and Sweden as NATO members will strengthen NATO and also strengthen our transatlantic bond."Jun 03, 2022

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