The Facts

  • On Sat., Mali released three out of 49 detained Ivorian soldiers who were contracted for a UN peacekeeping mission, which Malian authorities had arrested over eight weeks ago.

  • The three soldiers - all women - were released in a "humanitarian gesture" by Mali's leader Colonel Assimi Goïta, said Togo's Foreign Affairs Minister Robert Dusse, who is helping to mediate between Mali and Ivory Coast.

The Spin

Pro-establishment narrative

The Ivorian soldiers were not "mercenaries" allegedly trying to undermine Mali's "state security," but were part of the logistical support for the UN peacekeeping mission in Mali. Given the fight against terrorism, the arrest was and is further evidence of the Malian military junta's irresponsible actions. Meanwhile, the human rights situation in the country continues to deteriorate, while jihadist attacks are once again on the rise.

Establishment-critical narrative

Mali is showing goodwill toward peace in the region, especially since the detained soldiers were sent by France's neo-colonial ally, Ivory Coast, to overthrow Mali's anti-imperialist government. To achieve this goal, Paris also supports terrorists operating in Mali. In fact, the best example of France's neo-colonial agenda in West Africa is Ivory Coast itself, whose current government was effectively installed by the French in 2010.

Public figures in this story

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