ADHD Drug Shortage Continues as US Schools Open

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The Facts

  • With school starting back up for children across the US, an ongoing shortage of ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) medications is causing stress in many American families.

  • The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) first announced a nationwide shortage of Adderall — which is one of the most widely used medications for ADHD —10 months ago. Experts expect the supply issues to possibly worsen in the coming months.

The Spin

Narrative A

Those who need stimulant medications to treat conditions like ADHD should be able to easily access these prescriptions. Being forced to cut off cold turkey or go without could be very harmful for many people — especially young schoolchildren. Pharmaceutical companies need to be more transparent and forward about how much longer these drug shortages will last.

Narrative B

Stimulant drugs, like those used to treat ADHD, are often misused, and overprescribing these serious medications is a big concern for parents and regulators. With a current shortage in place, this would be a natural time to reevaluate how these drugs can be prescribed safely and responsibly. This will help ADHD be managed in a more sustainable manner going forward.

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