CDC Issues Marburg Virus Advisory After Outbreaks In 2 African Nations

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The Facts

  • The US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) on Thursday issued a health advisory about the Marburg virus outbreak in Equatorial Guinea and Tanzania, stating that healthcare providers must be on the lookout for any suspected imported cases.

  • The health agency stressed the importance of early detection in order to provide appropriate and prompt patient care while preventing the spread of infection.

The Spin

Establishment-critical narrative

The world's deep state seems to be back at work, exaggerating pandemic threats, which will only serve to induce needless panic. It's no coincidence that concern about Marburg — which allegedly spreads easily between humans, requiring quarantine, PPE, and vaccines— is gaining traction shortly after the World Economic Forum, desperate to identify and mitigate "Disease X" or the next COVID, met in Davos.

Pro-establishment narrative

Though historically rare since it was first identified in 1967, Marburg outbreaks in African nations have been on the rise in recent years, likely due to shifts in human and animal behavior caused by climate change. While global agencies are good at controlling the spread of a virus, the lack of approved treatments or vaccines for this deadly disease is alarming, particularly as the cases have been geographically dispersed as African borders are busy and porous.

Metaculus Prediction

Establishment split



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