Greta Thunberg Pleads Not Guilty in London Court

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The Facts

  • Climate campaigner Greta Thunberg pled not guilty on Wednesday alongside four other activists at Westminster Magistrates' Court in London after being charged with breaking Section 14 of the UK's 1986 Public Order Act.

  • Thunberg was arrested on Oct. 17 during protests outside of the Energy Intelligence Forum, an oil and gas conference. All of the accused have been granted unconditional bail prior to trial at the City of London's Magistrates' Court beginning in February.

The Spin

Progressive narrative

Thunberg's arrest and charge are the product of a controversial and troubling amendment to British law that seeks to repress free speech and expose the UK government and Big Business for their malpractices against the environment. This is a further example of the establishment seeking to continue its production of profit and power at the expense of the world's future.

Conservative narrative

Thunberg and her band of doomsday predictors continue to garner an excessively large press contingent for her flawed message. The reality of Thunberg's dreams and demands would lead to a horrific impact on the world via the implementation of eco-austerity. Thunberg's message, despite its shiny veil, is not for the people but rather for the delusional. The 20-year-old and her vanguard must be treated with caution.

Public figures in this story

Political split



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