Honduras Cuts Diplomatic Ties with Taiwan, Opens Relations with China

Image copyright: Associated Press [via New York Post]

The Facts

  • Honduras on Sunday established diplomatic relations with the PRC, formally switching its official recognition to Beijing a day after severing ties with Taiwan, thereby completing a pledge made by Pres. Xiomara Castro earlier this month.

  • Democratic socialist Castro — who was elected by a huge margin in 2021 — had previously outlined plans to push for improved relations with Beijing in her pre-electoral foreign policy manifesto.

The Spin

Anti-China narrative

Honduras has taken this decision because Beijing has expanded its dollar diplomacy so as to isolate Taiwan and suppress its international participation. However, the PRC will neither be able to intimidate the democratic island nor disrupt regional peace and stability — Taiwanese people can count on their diplomatic allies and like-minded global partners to defend Taiwan's sovereignty on the international stage.

Pro-China narrative

Given the PRC's relevance in today's world, Honduras will not be the last alleged diplomatic ally of Taiwan to cut ties with the island and seek better relations with Beijing. This decision has nothing to do with dollar diplomacy — a practice in which China has never engaged — but everything to do with a sovereign state following its own interests instead of those of the US and Taiwan secessionists.

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