Iran, Zimbabwe Sign Agreements During Raisi Africa Tour

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The Facts

  • As part of the final leg of a three-country Africa tour, Iran and Zimbabwe signed on Thursday 12 new agreements in what was described by Iran's foreign ministry as "a new turning point" between two nations sharing "common political views."

  • The memoranda of understanding cover wide-ranging focuses including energy, agriculture, cooperation, pharmaceuticals, telecommunications, research, science, and technology.

The Spin

Pro-Iran narrative

Iran is opening the door for greater political and economic partnerships and opportunities with Africa. The continent contains an abundance of natural resources, with states such as Iran and Zimbabwe having a lot to offer each other. Now more than ever, Africa needs to be seen in the same light as the likes of Asia and the West — with Iran ready to help facilitate this process.

Anti-Iran narrative

The US must secure its position at Africa's table before it's too late. The US must emphasize a desire to build a vibrant future with the African nations before their resources and potential fall into the wrong hands. This includes Russia and China, and very concerningly Iran, who may be able to wield geopolitical influence in the region if Washington isn't careful.

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