Mauritania: Student Charged with Blasphemy Over Exam Paper

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    The Facts

    • A Mauritanian high school student has been arrested and charged with blasphemy over a mock exam paper that allegedly disrespected the Prophet Muhammad, the public prosecutor's office said on Thursday.

    • The 19-year-old woman was remanded in custody on Wednesday for "disrespect and mockery of the Prophet," and using social media to "undermine the holy values of Islam."

    The Spin

    Pro-establishment narrative

    Draconian, anachronistic blasphemy laws are often used to persecute a country's religious minorities and settle personal vendettas against political opponents. Imprisoning and killing those who question the dominant religion is not a move toward tolerance. It's wrong to disrespect others' beliefs, but executions will never make believers out of dissenters.

    Establishment-critical narrative

    Mauritania cannot remain a mute spectator if so-called atheists show a complete lack of respect for the country's blasphemy laws. Anyone disregarding or disobeying the state's religion and the Prophet Muhammad is a criminal under domestic legislation. The government is entitled to execute any anti-Islamic propagandists seeking to organize anti-religious activities, or those who blaspheme the country's culture and religion.

    Metaculus Prediction

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