Report: Albanian Prisoners Paid by UK Govt to Return Home

    Image copyright: Euronews Albania

    The Facts

    • According to the BBC — which spoke to Albanian prisoners sent home by the UK — the government allegedly offered some £1.5K ($1.8K) to leave the country.

    • Albanian police stated that a majority of those forcibly sent back to Albania had already been convicted of crimes in the UK.

    The Spin

    Right narrative

    Sunak’s scheme to challenge the Albanian migration crisis is a good start, and the policy clearly matches the majority opinion of the government. However, short of France allowing Britain to patrol its beaches, the real answer to stopping the boats coming to the UK coast has yet to be found.

    Left narrative

    The demonization of Albanian asylum seekers by the UK government is utterly inhumane. For many who have sought refuge in the UK, the toxic narrative and treatment by those in power have been just as traumatic. The unacceptable mistreatment of Albanians by the UK government must end.

    Political split



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