Bangladesh: Over 40 Killed in Dhaka Shopping Mall Fire

Bangladesh: Over 40 Killed in Dhaka Shopping Mall Fire
Image copyright: Sultan Mahmud Mukut/Drik/Contributor Getty Images News via Getty Images

The Facts

  • At least 45 people were killed and a dozen others injured after a massive fire broke out at a six-story shopping mall in Dhaka, Bangladesh's capital, late on Thursday.

  • While an investigation has been launched to ascertain the cause of the blaze, Brigadier General Main Uddin, the head of the Bangladesh Fire Service and Civil Defense, said the fire could have originated from a gas leak or stove.

The Spin

Narrative A

Deadly fires and industrial disasters have been a recurring problem in Bangladesh due to governance and regulation issues. Until government indifference and lax enforcement of fire safety rules give way to a credible and accountable health and safety regulation structure, innocent citizens will continue to lose their lives in tragedies like this one.

Narrative B

It's unfair to point the finger at the Bangladeshi government, which swiftly saved many lives, launched a prompt investigation, and took appropriate measures to hold the culprits accountable. Faulty gas cylinders, defective air conditioners, and poor electrical wiring could have caused the fire. If only the building owners had fixed its structural issues, such a tragedy could have been avoided.

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