Beaten Suspects Appear in Court as Allegations Traded Over Moscow Attack

Beaten Suspects Appear in Court as Allegations Traded Over Moscow Attack
Image copyright: Contributor/Getty Images News via Getty Images

The Facts

  • As Russia observed a national day of mourning, four of the 11 men held on suspicion of carrying out the Moscow concert hall attack in which at least 137 people were killed were charged on Monday. Two of the men plead guilty to the attacks.

  • However, the four citizens of Tajikistan appeared to have been beaten, raising questions as to whether they were tortured. Two of the men had black eyes and the face of a third man was badly swollen. A fourth man was brought in on a wheelchair and reportedly drifted in and out of consciousness. They will be held in pre-trial detention until at least May, the court ruled.

The Spin

Pro-establishment narrative

While Russia may cast doubt on IS responsibility for the attack, the terror group has posted multiple verified videos of the attack. A number of US intelligence officials also said they have seen evidence that showed the group's culpability for what happened. By all reasonable accounts, it's IS who is to blame.

Pro-Russia narrative

While the Kremlin cannot currently comment on IS' alleged culpability at this stage, Pres. Putin has already stated that the suspects were detained on their way to Ukraine. That in itself raises a number of questions that have to be answered. All who helped orchestrate, irrespective of which faction they represent, will be held accountable.

Metaculus Prediction

Establishment split



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