Belarus Holds Controversial Parliamentary Election

    Belarus Holds Controversial Parliamentary Election
    Image copyright: Contributor/Getty Images News via Getty Images

    The Facts

    • Belarus held its first parliamentary elections since 2020 on Sunday, with voter turnout reportedly at 43.64% an hour after polls officially opened. 40% of voters, according to election authorities, cast ballots during the early voting period from Tuesday through Saturday.

    • Officials claimed Monday that 73% of the 6.9M eligible voters cast ballots for 110 Parliament seats and over 12K local council seats.

    The Spin

    Pro-establishment narrative

    Given the history of authoritarianism under Lukashenko, it's reasonable to question election integrity. Following the 2020 election — which featured opposition participation — thousands of protesters were arrested or imprisoned, all opposition parties were banned from the next ballot, and the only politician who publicly criticized Lukashenko was forced into exile. This election needs to be deeply investigated.

    Establishment-critical narrative

    Western countries, including the US, should stay out of Belarusian affairs. The sovereign legislature of Belarus oversaw this lawful, free, and fair voting process, which — to the chagrin of the US Dept. of State — resulted in a win for pro-Belarus politicians. As the 2025 presidential election approaches, it would be best if the US and its allies refrain from criticizing the electoral process of an independent country.

    Metaculus Prediction

    Establishment split



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