Donald Trump Defends 'Bloodbath' Comment

Donald Trump Defends 'Bloodbath' Comment
Image copyright: Scott Olson/Staff/Getty Images News via Getty Images

The Facts

  • Former US President Donald Trump on Monday defended his controversial warning over the weekend that the country would suffer a "bloodbath" if he loses the presidential election in November to President Joe Biden.

  • Trump blamed the "'Fake News Media" on his Truth Social platform for deliberately misinterpreting his statement when he was "simply referring to imports allowed" Biden, which he claimed "are killing the automobile industry."

The Spin

Anti-Trump narrative

Trump intentionally left room for interpretation, knowing that his MAGA supporters would appreciate the message of political violence. The unmistakable nature of his statement becomes evident in the context of his other rhetoric dehumanizing immigrants, downplaying white supremacist violence, or defending his supporters convicted of storming the Capitol. Trump proved once again that he's a dangerous faux populist and calculating agitator who can't be allowed to return to the White House.

Pro-Trump narrative

As usual, the liberal establishment-controlled media has taken Trump's statement out of context, as he was clearly referring to the US auto industry. It should also be noted that the automobile industry is indeed facing disaster if Biden continues to promote PRC-made electric vehicles. It's by no means surprising that the left-leaning media has lost the trust of the American people, and this latest hoax will increase rather than decrease Trump's prospects of winning the election.

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