DR Congo Appoints Long-Awaited New Government

DR Congo Appoints Long-Awaited New Government
Image copyright: Michele Tantussi/Contributor/Getty Images News via Getty Images

The Facts

  • The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) appointed a new government, spokesperson Tina Salama announced on Wednesday, ending a more than five months impasse following President Felix Tshisekedi's re-election.

  • In the new cabinet, comprising 54 ministers compared to 57 in the last government, Guy Kabombo Muadiamvita — a lawyer by training — was given the key post of defense minister as the country faces a severe security crisis in the east.

The Spin

Narrative A

Following the thwarting of an attempted coup by the Congolese military, the appointment of the new cabinet underlines that the country will not be diverted from its chosen path. The new government's mission will be to consolidate the achievements of Tshisekedi's first term, diversify the Congolese economy, create security in the east, and accelerate civil service reforms. The challenges are enormous, but under Tshisekedi's leadership, the Congolese can overcome them.

Narrative B

That the new government was only now able to form a new cabinet is indicative of the DRC's political challenges after Tshisekedi's re-election was marred by irregularities and violence. Already in his first term, he failed to capitalize on the country's vast natural resources to improve the livelihoods of the impoverished population while the conflict in the east continued to rage. Despite a new cabinet, it's questionable whether Kinshasa will finally establish peace and stability.

Metaculus Prediction

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