Ethiopia: 13 Arrested Over Killing of Oromo Opposition Figure

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    The Facts

    • Police in Ethiopia announced on Thursday the arrest of 13 people in connection with the killing of Bate Urgessa, a political officer with the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF), with some reports suggesting that two of his siblings are among the detainees.

    • Bate, whose body was found on the roadside in his hometown Meki on Wednesday morning (local time), was reportedly abducted from a hotel room and gunned down the previous night.

    The Spin

    Narrative A

    In light of the Reuters findings about the government-run secret killing squad operating in Oromia, it's obvious that security forces are behind the murder of Bate Urgessa. Oromo political and cultural figures have long been subject to a systematic effort to silence dissent.

    Narrative B

    It's irresponsible and outrageous that some political entities have decided to exploit the shocking killing of Bate Urgessa to promote anti-government propaganda and try to compensate for political losses. Investigations are underway to bring perpetrators to justice.

    Metaculus Prediction