Frederik X Is Proclaimed New King of Denmark

Frederik X Is Proclaimed New King of Denmark
Image copyright: Photo by Patrick van Katwijk/Getty Images Entertainment via Getty Images

The Facts

  • Denmark Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen on Sunday proclaimed Frederik X king on the balcony of Christiansborg Palace in Copenhagen after the country's longest-serving monarch, Queen Margrethe II, formally signed her abdication, ending her 52-year reign.

  • Tens of thousands of people gathered on the streets of the Danish capital to watch King Frederik X succeed his 83-year-old mother, who on New Year's Eve became the first Danish monarch in over 800 years to abdicate voluntarily.

The Spin

Narrative A

Denmark is entering a new era. With high approval ratings, this down-to-earth king — who embraces environmental issues, sends his children to state schools, and shops, and dines in public like a commoner — will make one of Europe's oldest monarchies more accessible, popular, and relevant to its people.

Narrative B

Denmark is a democracy. The monarchy doesn't fit, and this is the perfect time to consider getting rid of it. At the very least, the royals should be stripped of their constitutional powers, including the necessity for the king's signature on parliamentary acts.

Metaculus Prediction

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