Gaza: Biden 'Outraged' at Israeli Air Strike That Killed Aid Workers

Gaza: Biden 'Outraged' at Israeli Air Strike That Killed Aid Workers
Image copyright: Ahmad Hasaballah/Stringer/Getty Images News via Getty Images

The Facts

  • In the aftermath of Israeli airstrikes on a convoy of aid trucks that killed at least seven people in Gaza — including a US-Canada dual citizen and citizens of Australia, Poland, and the UK — US Pres. Joe Biden said Tuesday that he was "outraged and heartbroken" by the attack, before proceeding to issue some of his harshest warnings for Israel yet.

  • "This conflict has been one of the worst in recent memory in terms of how many aid workers have been killed," Biden said in a statement. He added, "Incidents like yesterday’s simply should not happen."

The Spin

Pro-establishment narrative

This was an appalling incident, and the strike on an aid convoy was only one in a string of incidents that has made this conflict the deadliest on record for aid workers. The US has consistently said that while it stands by Israel, it must do more to protect civilians from harm, and ensure the safe passage of humanitarian aid.

Establishment-critical narrative

This was another appalling Israeli attack on civilians and aid workers in what is an ongoing genocide. According to the World Central Kitchen, the aid convoy fully coordinated its movements with the IDF. This, combined with the fact that WCK is closely linked to British and US intelligence, raises more questions than it answers.

Pro-Israel narrative

Israeli is extremely sorry for this incident. It came at night, and in the fog of war, there was a case of misidentification that led to the airstrikes. Nonetheless, this shouldn't have happened. Israel is at war with Hamas, not the Palestinians in Gaza or the civilians distributing aid.

Metaculus Prediction

Establishment split



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