IS Claims Responsibility for Deadly Attack on Afghan Mosque

IS Claims Responsibility for Deadly Attack on Afghan Mosque
Image copyright: Paula Bronstein/Contributor/Getty Images News via Getty Images

The Facts

  • The Islamic State (IS) militant group has claimed responsibility for a deadly gun attack on a mosque that took place in Afghanistan's western province of Herat on Monday night during prayers.

  • According to Taliban-appointed Afghan officials, six people were killed and one injured after an armed individual opened fire at worshippers "with a Kalashnikov."

The Spin

Narrative A

Despite promising to eliminate terror in Afghanistan, the Taliban has done little to fight militant groups since taking over. The Islamic State is now returning in full force, conducting deadly attacks in Afghanistan and other Middle Eastern countries. Afghanistan is more dangerous than ever, as it reemerges as one of the world's largest terrorism incubators.

Narrative B

It's hard to refute that the Taliban has been successful in its fight against terror groups, including al-Qaida and IS. While IS remains a threat, its attacks have reduced dramatically since the Taliban takeover. The Islamic State isn't nearly as prominent as it was in the past, because the Taliban has made significant progress in locating and removing its key leaders.

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