Israeli Forces Launch Ground Operation Into Gaza City Neighborhood

Above: Palestinian citizens displaced from the city of Khan Younis due to Israeli raids travel with their belongings on a cart led by a donkey to the city of Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip on January 22, 2024 in Rafah, Gaza. Image copyright: Ahmad Hasaballah/Stringer/Getty Images News via Getty Images

The Facts

  • Israeli forces entered Gaza City's Shujaiya neighborhood on Thursday, telling Palestinians that they must move south. Residents and Hamas-affiliated media reported that Israeli tanks advanced before the evacuation announcement, and Israel had blocked the road south, forcing people to flee west.

  • Israeli forces entered Shujaiya earlier in the war, saying that they were returning this time to prevent Hamas from restoring its control over the neighborhood. Heavy bombardment of the area was reported as residents fled, with health authorities saying that at least 15 people were killed.

The Spin

Pro-establishment narrative

Israel must be able to defend itself from terrorist attacks from Gaza or elsewhere, and the US is committed to preventing malicious actors from threatening Israel's legitimate concerns. However, Netanyahu is being irresponsible by airing his grievances so publicly, and he risks worsening Israel's position in this conflict.

Pro-Israel narrative

Israel will always be incredibly grateful for the staunch support it receives from the US. However, it must chart its own path, and the US should refrain from pressuring Israel to acquiesce to Hamas' demands. Indeed, Israel cannot be beholden to an ally that is not interested in allowing Israel to do whatever it takes to defend its borders and its citizens.

Pro-Palestine narrative

After almost nine months of non-stop brutality, the situation in Gaza continues to worsen. The US has simply failed to reel Netanyahu in, and over 35K Palestinians are dead because of it. Israeli crimes keep stacking up, yet the international community and the US refuse to do anything meaningful to stop the carnage.

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