Kate Middleton Undergoing Cancer Treatment

    Image copyright: Leon Neal/Staff/Getty Images News via Getty Images

    The Facts

    • Princess of Wales Kate Middleton has revealed that while undergoing a recent abdominal surgery, doctors discovered that she has cancer.

    • Following her diagnosis in January, the Princess said her doctors "advised" her to "undergo a course of preventative chemotherapy," which she is now in the "early stages" of.

    The Spin

    Narrative A

    The public should leave the Princess and her family alone, especially politicians. Everyone, including the Royal Family, has a right to privacy, particularly when it comes to serious health issues that demand compassion. Abdominal surgeries and cancer treatment are not trivial things to be gossiped about, so Buckingham Palace should continue doing whatever it feels best for the family.

    Narrative B

    While personal health issues should be reported on respectfully, the Royal Family needs to take responsibility for how it curates its lives to the public. Posting edited images and keeping the public in the dark only makes rumors spread faster. William and Kate have long been successful in portraying themselves authentically and need to maintain this going forward.

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