Libya Armed Groups Agree to Leave Tripoli After Deadly Fighting

    Libya Armed Groups Agree to Leave Tripoli After Deadly Fighting
    Image copyright: Nada Harib/Stringer/Getty Images news via Getty Images (2017)

    The Facts

    • Libyan interior minister Imed Trabelsi announced Wednesday that, following negotiations, the armed groups involved in the deadly weekend clashes in capital Tripoli have agreed to withdraw from the city.

    • The deal will see the General Security Force, Special Deterrence Force, Brigade 444, Brigade 111, and the Stability Support Authority quit Tripoli after more than a decade of controlling it.

    The Spin

    Narrative A

    The successful negotiations to remove the armed groups from Tripoli could mark the beginning of the end of the current situation in Libya. The UN envoy has even asked opposing parties to agree to hold local elections across the country by the end of the year, while the Security Council has urged them to come together and create a coherent strategy to organize presidential and legislative elections that will bring peace and stability.

    Narrative B

    Warring factions supported by foreign governments have struggled for power in Libya since the overthrow of Gaddafi in 2011. The security agreement in Tripoli is a positive first step towards a peaceful solution to the many problems of the troubled nation. However, it remains to be seen whether the path to peace will succeed.

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