Malaysia: 10 Dead After Two Navy Helicopters Crash During Rehearsal

Image copyright: Annice Lyn/Stringer/Getty Images News via Getty Images

The Facts

  • Two Malaysian military helicopters crashed into each other on Tuesday morning, killing all 10 crew members on board and injuring a swimmer, as one chopper hit a swimming pool.

  • The two Navy choppers were rehearsing for Saturday’s parade celebrating the 90th anniversary of the Royal Malaysian Navy when they collided in mid-air at the Lumut naval base in the western state of Perak.

The Spin

Narrative A

Signs point to Tuesday’s crash being caused by a critical point failure of the helicopter’s structure, but the exact cause remains unknown. This is a tragic outcome, but authorities will be sure to release information as they investigate for the benefit of the victims' families.

Narrative B

While tragedies can be unpredictable, there are key indicators suggesting Tuesday’s helicopter crash should have been anticipated. One of the helicopter types involved in the tragedy had been involved in a collision just a month prior, and the aircraft model has experienced other problems over the years. It doesn’t seem as if all possible safety precautions were taken to prevent this crash.

Metaculus Prediction