Pakistan: Women Sentenced to Death Over Blasphemy Murder

Pakistan: Women Sentenced to Death Over Blasphemy Murder
Image copyright: Michael M. Santiago/Staff/Getty Images News via Getty Images

The Facts

  • A court in Pakistan has sentenced two women in their 20s to death and a minor girl to life imprisonment for murdering their local religious teacher over "blasphemy allegations" in 2022.

  • The three Jamia Islamia Falahul Binaat seminary students — Umra Aman, Razia Hanfi, and Ayesha Naumani — had killed Safoora Bibi in northwestern Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province.

The Spin

Left narrative

When a nation's institutions themselves treat blasphemy as a crime punishable by death, it's not surprising that a mob sometimes takes over the job of meting out such punishment. After all, the reigning law itself legitimizes this outrage. Moreover, religion is often one of society's most influential pillars, particularly in a country like Pakistan, which was founded on the idea of a religious identity.

Right narrative

Pakistan's blasphemy law has been instrumental in keeping peace and stability in the country. A few stray incidents shouldn't be considered the benchmark for judging the law. Judicious and responsible use of this instrument will help combat human rights violations and also protect the nation's honor. The sanctity of religion can't be compromised.

Metaculus Prediction

Political split



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