Papua New Guinea Declares State of Emergency After Violent Riots

Papua New Guinea Declares State of Emergency After Violent Riots
Image copyright: Mark Tantrum/Getty Images News via Getty Images

The Facts

  • Papua New Guinea's Prime Minister James Marape on Thursday declared a state of emergency after at least 16 people were killed during rioting and looting. The violence began after hundreds of police, soldiers, and prison staff, among others, walked out due to not receiving full pay.

  • Under the 14-day state of emergency in the capital city of Port Moresby, more than 1K soldiers have been placed on standby "to step in wherever necessary."

The Spin

Narrative A

This riot stems from Prime Minister Marape's negligence in both his economic leadership and reaction to the riots, not just the sudden wage reduction. As several parliamentarians have resigned in protest of his incompetent and selfish rule, Marape, too, should do the right thing and step down from office.

Narrative B

The opportunists are breaking the law and holding the country to ransom despite reassurances from the government that the cut was the result of a glitch and no new tax had been imposed. While the country works to obtain more foreign investment, the unrest has been orchestrated by members of parliament and the violence has been encouraged by police.

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