Pope Calls Africa a 'Special Case' on Same-Sex Blessings

Pope Calls Africa a 'Special Case' on Same-Sex Blessings
Image copyright: Vatican Pool/Contributor/Getty Images News

The Facts

  • In a recent interview with Italian newspaper La Stampa, Pope Francis said that African bishops were a "special case" in their opposition to Fiducia Supplicans — a recent declaration which allows blessings for same-sex couples — as they culturally regard homosexuality as "something ugly."

  • Suggesting that resistance to his reforms or talks of a schism have come from small ideological groups, the pontiff said that everyone will eventually understand the inclusive nature of the declaration, which he says "aims to include, not divide."

The Spin

Establishment-critical narrative

At best, the Fiducia Supplicans and its blessings for same-sex couples promote cultural colonialism, forcing other societies to validate harmful, progressive western values, despite the Vatican long advising Catholics not to subscribe to such ideologies. In religious terms, this declaration directly contradicts the Gospel of Christ.

Pro-establishment narrative

As Pope Francis adopts a non-judgmental, inclusive attitude, many bishops and ordinary Catholics have joined in an ongoing commotion after misunderstanding and misrepresenting the move to allow LGBTQ+ couples to be blessed. While the Vatican could indeed have communicated this change better, this document simply states that blessings don't require prior moral perfection.

Metaculus Prediction

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