Protests Continue in Georgia Over 'Foreign Influence' Draft Bill

    Protests Continue in Georgia Over 'Foreign Influence' Draft Bill
    Image copyright: Nicolo Vincenzo Malvestuto/Contributor/Getty Images News via Getty Images

    The Facts

    • Thousands of Georgians gathered on Saturday evening for a candlelight vigil outside Parliament in Tbilisi on the eve of Orthodox Easter, as protests continue against a proposed bill to stem foreign influence over the country.

    • For the past month, demonstrators have rallied daily outside the parliament building despite strong police response — including the use of tear gas and water cannons.

    The Spin

    Pro-establishment narrative

    The overwhelming majority of Georgians want to deepen ties with the West, and yet the government is moving forward with its illiberal project — now borrowing tools from Putin's Russia to force civil society actors out of the country. Western countries have a moral imperative to stand with Georgians and impose sanctions on those leading this move.

    Establishment-critical narrative

    Violent protests against the bill "On Transparency of Foreign Influence" have become all too frequent in Tbilisi due to the outrage and despair of those who are effectively linked to foreign-funded non-profit organizations. And while Russia has yet again been used as a scapegoat, it's actually America's Foreign Agents Registration Act that has inspired this legislation.

    Metaculus Prediction

    Establishment split



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