'RBG Award' Ceremony Canceled Over Objections to Musk, Murdoch

    'RBG Award' Ceremony Canceled Over Objections to Musk, Murdoch
    Image copyright: Antonio Masiello/Contributor/Getty Images News via Getty Images

    The Facts

    • The Dwight D. Opperman Foundation has canceled its Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg (RBG) Leadership Award for 2024, following criticism over the organization's choice of honorees.

    • Without mentioning recipients, the late justice's family in a statement called this year's selections — which they have no say on — "an affront to the memory of our mother and grandmother." It's widely believed they're objecting to the honoring of Elon Musk and Rupert Murdoch.

    The Spin

    Left narrative

    Individuals like Musk and Murdoch have no business being near any award named after Ginsburg. But it's no surprise Opperman, a Republican donor, attempted to bestow the award on two sharers of her political views. The foundation and the award have lost all legitimacy.

    Right narrative

    This award has always been apolitical, but because of the unfounded rhetoric of the Ginsburg family and left-leaning pundits, it now features exclusion. There's no reason why this award couldn't expand to include men and people with different political views. Cancel culture has struck again.

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