Red Sea: At Least Three Killed in Houthi Attack

Red Sea: At Least Three Killed in Houthi Attack
Image copyright: Sayed Hassan/Getty Images News via Getty Images

The Facts

  • At least three crew members were killed and four others injured in a Houthi-claimed missile attack on a cargo ship off the coast of the Yemeni port of Aden on Wednesday, marking the first fatalities since the Iran-aligned group began attacking commercial vessels in the Red Sea.

  • The Houthis said that the Greek-operated, Barbados-flagged True Confidence was targeted because it was American — likely because the ship had links to an American company until last month and the change of ownership has yet to be updated in several databases — and ignored warning messages.

The Spin

Pro-establishment narrative

With their assault, the Houthis have proved that they've lost all respect for human life in their reckless campaign against international shipping in one of the world's most vital shipping lanes. In their indiscriminate attacks, the terrorists are now even turning on ships bound for their main sponsor, Iran, and vessels loaded with aid for the people of Yemen, whose plight is irrelevant to them. Washington and its allies have no choice but to step up their efforts to hold the Houthis accountable until they cease their destabilizing aggression.

Establishment-critical narrative

The sailors' death is regrettable, but it is the result of the US-led aggression against Yemen, launched by Washington and its vassals to detract attention from Israel's atrocities in Gaza. Moreover, the latest Houthi attack proves that the US war machine is failing to break the resistance of the Yemenis in their just struggle. The Houthis will continue their attacks on ships destined for Israel, including US and British ships, in solidarity with the Palestinians in Gaza who have been betrayed by the alleged champions of human rights.

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