Report: Fake Biden Robocall Tells New Hampshire Voters to Skip Primary

Report: Fake Biden Robocall Tells New Hampshire Voters to Skip Primary
Image copyright: Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images News via Getty Images

The Facts

  • The New Hampshire Attorney General's office has opened an investigation into a robocall imitating Pres. Joe Biden's voice that urged Democratic voters to skip the state's primary election on Tuesday.

  • Terming the artificially generated messages "an unlawful attempt" to disrupt the election, the Attorney General's office asked the New Hampshire voters to disregard the fake robocall's content.

The Spin

Narrative A

With the rapid pace at which technology is advancing, and an alarming lack of comprehensive government and private sector oversight, deepfakes like the Biden robocall in New Hampshire may become the new normal. Tech firms and law enforcement must scrutinize this extremely worrying phenomenon, especially as it may affect something as high-stakes as the 2024 presidential election.

Narrative B

Deepfakes aren't nearly as big of a threat as people think they are. While the technology exists to create pretty believable-looking fakes, it's often easier to spread disinformation using conventional media methods. While the possibility exists for artificial intelligence to be used maliciously, the potential problems posed by generative AI technology are being blown way out of proportion.

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