Report: FBI Opens Criminal Probe Into Baltimore Bridge Collapse

Image copyright: Kevin Dietsch/Staff/Getty Images News via Getty Images

The Facts

  • According to multiple news outlets on Monday, the FBI has opened a criminal probe into the collapse of Baltimore's Francis Scott Key Bridge to investigate whether the crew of the Dali container ship was aware of any system errors before its departure.

  • Both the bureau and the Dept. of Justice (DOJ) confirmed that federal agents boarded the vessel to carry out a court-approved search, but no further information has been provided.

The Spin

Democratic narrative

The fact that a federal search warrant has been signed off already indicates that the government has presented probable cause — or even evidence — that a crime took place in the lead-up to the bridge collapse. The Biden administration has pledged to hold accountable anyone responsible for this incident, and these moves go in the right direction.

Republican narrative

This criminal investigation into whether the crew left the Port of Baltimore knowing that the vessel had problems with its systems is certainly needed — especially as the Biden administration has pledged to use taxpayers' dollars to build a new bridge. If criminal negligence is found to be responsible for the crash, then Congress is less likely to support that move.