Romania: Court Allows Andrew Tate to be Extradited to UK

    Romania: Court Allows Andrew Tate to be Extradited to UK
    Image copyright: Andreea Campeanu/Stringer/Getty Images News via Getty Images

    The Facts

    • It has been ruled that internet celebrity Andrew Tate can be extradited from Romania to the UK, after a Bucharest court approved Britain's request for the process to go ahead. However, the court has postponed extradition until the end of Tate's Romanian trial.

    • The court ruled on Tuesday that Tate and his brother Tristan must be immediately released from police custody, after they had been detained for 24 hours pending a ruling on the British arrest warrant.

    The Spin

    Establishment-critical narrative

    Andrew Tate has been under attack from the global establishment ever since he reached worldwide fame more than two years ago. Tate's anti-establishment, pro-masculinity message threatens the global regime's narrative and grip on power. From questioning the COVID narrative to probing the 2020 election, Tate is hitting out on the most important and taboo issues. He was targeted as soon as he started waking up the masses, and it's probably not a coincidence.

    Pro-establishment narrative

    Authorities in multiple countries have issued arrest warrants for the Tate brothers — who built a social media empire off of selling misogyny to impressionable young men. Many women are coming forward and detailing their experiences with Andrew Tate and his brother, yet Tate's rabid, misogynistic fans continue to fabricate ridiculous conspiracy theories. Andrew Tate's hateful rhetoric is bad enough, but he is also a rapist and serial abuser. He must be held accountable for his crimes.

    Metaculus Prediction

    Establishment split



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