Solomon Islands Awaits Vote Count After Closely Watched Elections

    Solomon Islands Awaits Vote Count After Closely Watched Elections
    Image copyright: Chris Jackson/Staff/Chris Jackson Collection via Getty Images

    The Facts

    • Ballot counting began in the Solomon Islands on Thursday, marking the start of a long process that will culminate with a new 50-member parliament selecting a prime minister behind closed doors.

    • The vote held on Wednesday has been closely watched abroad due to its potential ramifications for regional security, as this is the first time citizens have been able to cast a ballot since a security pact with China was signed in 2022.

    The Spin

    Anti-China narrative

    China's growing influence in the Pacific is a major threat to regional safety. If Sogavare achieves an unprecedented second term, then the archipelago will strengthen its ties with Beijing — otherwise, the nation will change its global path. Beyond geopolitics, democracy in the Solomon Islands could also be at risk if Sogavare wins.

    Pro-China narrative

    To counteract China's regional influence, the US may try to steal the election in the Solomon Islands through so-called democracy promotion operations. The American embassy in Honiara has, of course, denied any involvement and called accusations against it disinformation — but isn't this election a textbook example of how the US meddles in other nation's affairs?

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