Tesla Settles Autopilot Crash Lawsuit

Tesla Settles Autopilot Crash Lawsuit
Image copyright: Kevin Dietsch/Staff/Getty Images News via Getty Images

The Facts

  • Elon Musk-owned Tesla has settled a lawsuit with the family of Walter Huang, an Apple engineer killed in a 2018 crash involving a Model X on Autopilot. Details of the deal are unknown.

  • Huang was using the driver assistance system when he crashed into a divider in California, placing Tesla's Autopilot and "Full Self Driving" tech under a lens.

The Spin

Narrative A

Tesla is up front with its customers that their full focus is an absolute requirement while driving its cars on Autopilot. The company informs them of the need to be ready to take control at any moment, so you can't blame the company or its technology if the driver fails to follow these instructions.

Narrative B

Tesla needs to be held responsible for the misconceptions surrounding its Autopilot feature. Misunderstanding — partly attributed to misleading labeling like "Full Self-Driving" — is a key reason for the series of crashes involving its cars. Clearer names could aid comprehension and be crucial for users to grasp the technology's limits.

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