Thai Parliament Passes Same-Sex Marriage Bill

    Thai Parliament Passes Same-Sex Marriage Bill
    Image copyright: Lauren DeCicca/Stringer/Getty Images News via Getty Images

    The Facts

    • Thailand's parliament Wednesday passed a same-sex marriage bill, bringing the country closer to becoming the only Southeast Asian country to recognize same-sex unions.

    • The bill, which passed 399-10 in the lower house, must now pass the Senate and be approved by the king before it becomes law.

    The Spin

    Narrative A

    This history-making vote brings Thai society one step closer to an equal society for all people. Legalizing same-sex marriage reduces social disparity across the nation and will benefit all Thai people, setting an example for other Asian countries.

    Narrative B

    Although this is an impressive step toward legalizing same-sex marriage in Thailand, this bill isn't law yet. Thailand is fairly tolerant but it's still a conservative country, and the success of this bill is not set in stone and the cultural context must be accounted for.

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