Turkey Freezes Trade with Israel Over Gaza War

Turkey Freezes Trade with Israel Over Gaza War
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The Facts

  • Turkey’s trade ministry announced on Thursday that the country has halted all import and export transactions with Israel, "until the Israeli government allows an uninterrupted and sufficient flow of humanitarian aid to Gaza.”

  • In response to the move, which Turkish Minister of Trade Ömer Bolat added would last "until a permanent cease-fire is established," Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz accused Turkish Pres. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan of behaving like a dictator, disregarding the interests of his own people and trade agreements.

The Spin

Anti-Israel narrative

Pres. Erdoğan is simply representing the overwhelming feeling of the Turkish people, who want to show solidarity with the people of Gaza. Israel commits daily atrocities in Gaza while the international community does nothing. Even more damning, the Arab and Islamic worlds have also failed to rally around the people of Palestine. Turkey's move is a victory for Palestinian rights.

Pro-Israel narrative

Turkey's actions are completely reprehensible, and Erdoğan should be thinking more strategically. Ankara, by halting trade with Israel, is violating regulations and endangering world trade and supply chains. Israel is a strong nation with many allies, and is more than capable of finding alternative trade partners if need be.

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