Twitter Files: Brazil's de Moraes Led 'Sweeping' Crackdown on Free Speech

Twitter Files: Brazil's de Moraes Led 'Sweeping' Crackdown on Free Speech
Image copyright: Arthur Menescal/Stringer/Getty Images News via Getty Images

The Facts

  • According to the latest Twitter Files release, Brazilian Supreme Court Justice Alexandre de Moraes has pushed a "sweeping" crackdown on free speech that sought to undermine democracy in the South American country.

  • The investigation results posted Wednesday by Michael Shellenberger claim that de Moraes and the Superior Electoral Court he leads made abusive demands to the social media platform in the lead-up to the 2022 presidential elections.

The Spin

Right narrative

This release further reasserts that the Brazilian Supreme Court, and specifically de Moraes, poses a significant threat to the country's democracy amid a crackdown on free speech unseen since the 1988 Constitution came into effect. It's outrageous that the judiciary has consistently silenced dissent without due process.

Left narrative

Yet again, Musk's Twitter Files promote far-right allegations as if they're the objective truth — and as if freedom of speech was an absolute right worldwide. Tweets must have consequences, especially when extremists undermine the democratic order, so de Moraes' actions made him a democracy crusader — not a tyrant.

Metaculus Prediction

Political split



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