SCOTUS Temporarily Allows Emergency Abortions in Idaho

SCOTUS Temporarily Allows Emergency Abortions in Idaho
Image copyright: Anna Rose Layden/Stringer/Getty Images News via Getty Images

The Facts

  • The US Supreme Court (SCOTUS) on Thursday issued a brief, unsigned opinion reinstating a lower court's ruling that had suspended Idaho's near-total ban on abortions in that state.

  • After the 6-3 vote, Idaho hospitals that receive federal funds can resume providing emergency abortions. As this was a procedural ruling that didn't decide the constitutionality of the law, this issue could be brought back to the court soon.

The Spin

Republican narrative

This is a temporary win for the Biden administration and Democrats. But their continued insistence that harming the unborn is part of women's healthcare — despite the negative impact abortion has on a woman — won't keep winning. Eventually, this case will wind its way back to SCOTUS, which will be forced to rule, and there's a strong chance it will come down on the side of promoting life.

Democratic narrative

Women in Idaho and other Republican-led states can breathe a sigh of relief that those states' draconian abortion-restricting laws are in jeopardy. But one has to worry that SCOTUS has pushed this decision beyond the November elections to protect Republicans, and shortly later, it will allow these laws to take effect. Those concerned about women's rights and health must continue to fight.

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